description weather guard remote keyless entry kit with fuse wire harness saddle box this truck accessory provides hands free access to your truck box so you can find what you are looking for. the weather guard remote keyless upgrade kit features patent pending powersync鈩? the rke is powered by vehicle power via an easy to install wiring harness, sold separately. the ps8000, ps8001 and ps8002 upgrade kit is designed to fit all weather guard saddle boxes and lo-sides. california proposition 65 warning. features constructed with automotive oem grade connectors with weather seal that provides years of dependability control box with up to four (4) channels superior security with code hopping technology key fob can control up to three (3) truck boxes with a push of a button rfi proximity of up to 25 feet 3-year warranty for the rke assembly ensures unparalleled quality specifications acme tools brand name weather guard acme tools part number ps8004 assembled weight (lbs) 1 color n country of origin china globaltradeitemnumber (gtin) 00783965067607 package contents installation instructions package depth 12 package height 6 package weight 1 truck box overall exterior height (in) truck box specific truck box overall exterior length (in) truck box specific truck box overall exterior width (in) truck box specific upc 783965067607 vehicle category truck